My Portfolio

I am passionate about creating spaces in which people feel at home. What makes a space truly a home? Is it really buying a bunch of generic stuff from your local superstore? Filling your home up with more things we think are updated? Or is it finding contentment in what you have and what you love, finding creative solutions to your space’s problems and needs, repurposing things once loved by you and others? 

Here are just a few examples of how I can help you reclaim your space, and turn it into a home you love

Room Transformations

A Bright and Cozy Living Room Makeover

This living room makeover is transformed even though we had to keep the main pieces of furniture. By tweaking the layout and adding in a few new key pieces this living room is brighter, cozier and feels refreshed

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Fireplace Upgrade!

My brother-in-law and sister-in-law have recently finished their main floor renovation. The changes to their home have been massive, but one of the most beautiful

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Exciting New Service

Happy Announcement! I am happy to announce a new add-on for Reclaim A Room! Introducing: Calming the Chaos. I am offering this extra service with

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A Complete Transformation

This main living room/dining room project was a big one and included a complete transformation. We changed out flooring and light fixtures, added wall treatments,

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A Basement Family Room Transformed!

To do a simple update that involves an easy DIY, consider adding moulding, trim, or paneling with fresh paint. The results are high impact and only beginner DIY skills are necessary!

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Staging Your Home: Living Spaces Edition

When staging your home, the goal is to make every room look as clean and neutral as possible so people can imagine themselves in your space. Doing an extreme edit (removing as many of your belongings as possible) is a way to achieve this goal without spending any money.

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Formal living room decor

Restyling a Formal Living Room

An area rug that complements your chosen colour scheme is an easy way to ground a space and give a sense of a truly finished room. Make sure your rug is big enough for the area it will be covering (most people go too small!), and choose a fabric and texture that works for your lifestyle.

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Finishing Touches

Don’t be afraid to use paint! I used a bold mustard coloured paint to transform a standard console table and tray into unique and eye-catching pieces that complemented the rest of this room’s decor beautifully, and you can do the same!

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Two Homes Become One

Sometimes it’s really about what we take OUT of a room that matters more than what we add IN. By seriously editing my sister’s living room, we were able to completely transform the space by spending almost zero money.

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Virtual Styling

Necessity is the mother of invention! Try challenging yourself to redesign or restyle your space without spending a single dollar by just looking around at the things you already own and trying to see them in a different way. My pandemic virtual styling sessions are evidence that you CAN create a new space without leaving your house to visit a store.

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Living Room Makeover in Texas

Greenery is such a nice touch in any room, and brings life and colour without a lot of effort. Potted plants, foraged greenery, or even faux stems or plants will add a beautiful effect to your space.

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Jean’s TV Room Makeover

Updating the fireplace can make such a dramatic change to any cozy family room space! Whether you choose to paint or whitewash old stone or brick, choosing a light colour (white is always my go-to) will make your space feel more open and modern.

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Christmas Special

This Christmas season Reclaiming Home Decorating is offering a unique gift opportunity: a gift certificate for an in-home consultation with a full Design Plan, or

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Reclaiming the Feeling of Home

If you are unhappy with your space, stop and think before you buy all new things. What do you see in the room that you don’t need or don’t like? Remove it. What do you see that you know you love? Find a way to put it front and centre. The chances are that by elevating the things you love and removing those you don’t, you will be well on your way to loving the space you live in.

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living toom

Repeat Client

Remember that the only person whose opinion matters in regards to style decisions in your space is you! Lean into what really makes you happy and your space will feel really comfortable for you. Lisa knew she wanted the TV to be more prominent than the fireplace, and as a result she has a space that really reflects her family’s needs and habits.

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Redesign Using Only What You Have

One dramatic change you can affect in a room without spending a single cent is rearranging your furniture. Look for ways to open up floor space and make a grander entrance into a room. The simple act of moving one sofa made such a difference in this living room!

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A Sweet Country Apartment

Just because you have a limited budget and aren’t a professional renovator doesn’t mean you can’t still make beautiful improvements to your space! These stairs are a perfect example. A little bit of paint and creativity turned this eyesore stairway into a thing of imperfect beauty. If you are able to turn a space into something you loved more than you did before, even if it isn’t perfect you have succeeded!

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Going Country

A very small change that makes a big impact in any bathroom is switching out towel bars for towel hooks. Especially if your bathroom is used by several people, hooks instead of a bar will mean far fewer towels ending up on the floor, plus they just look nicer, tidier, and more modern.

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A Makeover in Swift Current

People often think that creating art is only for proper artists, but this just isn’t so! Canvases can be purchased new for very little at the dollar store or found at garage sales (or in the piles of your kids’ discarded crafting supplies). Paint used canvases white again and get to work! You can stencil or freehand a favourite quote or copy a piece of abstract art that you really admire. This is a very affordable way to get something meaningful to hang on your walls!

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